by BEx | Aug 14, 2020 | Personalities
Recent months have shown that Black Liberation Movements continue to be necessary around the globe and we cannot help but reflect on the Haitian Revolution. A pivotal moment in 1791 kickstarted the only anti-colonial revolt in the Western world to successfully result...
by BEx | Aug 1, 2020 | Personalities
The English-speaking Caribbean celebrates Emancipation Day annually on the first day of August, commemorating that date in 1834 when the British Empire’s Slave Abolition Act began to take effect. As we proudly celebrate the efforts of our African ancestors who...
by BEx | Jul 25, 2020 | Personalities
Born and bred in Georgia, USA, Cashawn Myers is the driving force behind HABESHA, an organization that is almost two decades old and concerned wholeheartedly with pan-African self determination. From the “repatriation headquarters” in Tutu, Ghana, the Rastafari...
by BEx | Jul 4, 2020 | Personalities
Good fortune has smiled on Jah9 in a time of pandemic, panic and pandemonium. The renown singer and songwriter, no stranger to intuitive action, has been residing unexpectedly in Tanzania for the last few months. While she lives her best life in East Africa’s largest...
by BEx | Jun 21, 2020 | Personalities
Earning his daily bread from a full-fledged writing career might not have been the plan at the time but Gladstone Taylor embarked on an adventure with his debut chapbook in 2015. He launched KingSun: The Testaments of Sunlight and Water on the summer solstice that...